Lemon Curd Eaton Mess

My Lemon Curd Eaton Mess is a fun summertime treat. This zingy, creamy dessert cleanses the palate and is perfect for rounding off an evening meal. This Eaton mess consists of tart lemon balanced with sweet, crunchy meringue and whipped cream all of which blend harmoniously to create this wonderful dessert.

Everything for this dessert can be prepared the day before. Eaton mess is also a great dessert to get everyone involved including the little ones in the family. Dollop the lemon curd, whipped cream and smash up the meringues and biscuits how you please, then assemble your way. Fun for all the family.


  • EGGS: Organic free-range is best. Organic eggs tend to have darker yokes therefore the more vibrancy your curd will have in its finished appearance.
  • BUTTER: Full fat unsalted butter gives the curd its sheen and satin texture.
  • SUGAR: Caster sugar balances the acidity of the lemon so use your own judgement here as some lemons are more tart than others.
  • LEMONS: Freshly squeezed lemon juice and their zest are added to give this curd its zingy freshness. Once cooked out, the curd can be passed through a sieve to remove the lemon zest. This will give your curd a luxurious mouthfeel.


  • LEMON CURD: Homemade is best however if time is against you store bought will do.
  • DOUBLE CREAM: Whipped into soft peaks, the soft creaminess and full fat balance the lemon acidity and buttery shortbread.
  • SHORTBREAD: Any biscuit can be used here. Shortbread is a personal choice. Why not try ginger or chocolate for a difference.
  • MERINGUE KISSES: Homemade is best however if time is against you store bought will do.


Lemon curd Eaton Mess

A creamy, sharp lemon curd, lemon meringue kisses and rich full fat cream..
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American


Lemon Curd

  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 egg yoke
  • 115 g caster sugar
  • 100 g butter
  • 125 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Lemon zest of 2 lemons

Meringue Kisses

  • 2 large egg whites
  • 200 g caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Lemon Curd Eaton Mess

  • 300 ml Lemon curd
  • 18 Meringue kisses
  • 5 Shortbread fingers
  • 250 ml Double cream whipped
  • Berrys for garnish


Make the Lemon Curd

  • In a glass bowl, resting over simmering water, whisk the eggs and egg yoke, sugar, lemon juice and zest until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Add pieces of butter while continuously whisking slowly.
  • Cook out the curd to thicken.
  • The curd can be passed through a sieve at this point to remove the zest. This will give your curd a luxurious satin texture.
  • Transfer to sterlie jars to cool.

Make the Meringue Kisses

  • Preheat oven to Gas 1/ 120 degC
  • In a clean bowl, whisk up the egg whites and cream of tartar to soft peaks.
  • Add the sugar one tbsp at a time and whisk until dissolved before adding another.
  • Once all is added, you should end up with a thick, glossy meringue.
  • Spoon into a piping bag and pipe kisses onto baking sheet
  • Place in oven for 1 hour and swith oven off. Allow the kisses to cool in the resitual heat.
  • Store in an airtight jar.

Eaton Mess Assembly

  • Layer up the dessert into what ever vessels you have. Glass bowls and dessert dishes show off all your creativity and hard work.
  • Start with a few tbsps of lemon curd.
  • Layer on the same of whipped cream.
  • Crumble over a biscuit for texture and then meringue for sweetness.
  • Repeat the order and top with your favourite berrys.
Keyword Butter, Creamy, Lemon, Lemon zest, Meringue kissses

If you enjoyed my Lemon Curd Eaton Mess, why not try out a few of my other sweet ideas such as: