Using a food processor, pulse the flour, butter, icing sugar and eggs until balling together. If it's a little dry, add a tbsp of milk at a time until it starts to bind.
Remove and bring together with your hands. Round and flatten then wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate for 30 min. to 1 hour.
Preheat oven to Gas 6
Roll out the pastry bigger than the pie casing and using the rolling pin for support, roll over the pastry into the casing. Fork the base to prevent the pastry rising.
Allow the pastry to firm up again in the fridge. Chill for 30 min. after working.
Cover the pastry with grease proof paper and fill with baking beans.
Place into the middle of the oven and bake for 20-25 min.
Remove the beans and grease-proof paper and cook for a further 5-10min until golden.
Switch off the oven and allow to cool in the residual heat.
Don't over work the dough as this can develop the gluten and make the pastry tough.